Use "drank in his words|drink in his words" in a sentence

1. His actions were in stark contrast to his words.

2. His words inspired confidence in me.

3. His words came out in quick succession.

4. His words were lost in the applause.

5. His trembling belied his words.

6. His acts belie his words.

7. His conduct disagrees with his words.

8. His cruelty belied his kind words.

9. His manual signs outtell his words.

10. His impolite words angered his teacher.

11. 11 His words came out in quick succession.

12. He was meticulous in his use of words.

13. Her words struck a chill in his heart.

14. His words are reproduced in the above box.

15. He cancelled many unnecessary words in his manuscript.

16. He vouched his words by his deeds.

17. 3 His cruelty belied his kind words.

18. His words certainly stung .

19. He drank some whisky from the flask in his pack.

20. Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.

21. His words were polite but there an overtone of anger in his voice.

22. His words confirmed everything.

23. His words rang hollow.

24. His words implied displeasure.

25. His words were indistinguishable.

26. He paused to allow his words to sink in.

27. The word "gratitude" did not occur in his words.

28. Ozzie drank his beer and got his bearings.

29. His words were drowned in a crash of thunder.

30. His deeds does not agree with his words.

31. His actions do not Correspond with his words

32. His deeds are as good as his words.

33. His action is always consistent with his words.

34. 29 His words were polite, but there were overtones of distrust in his voice.

35. Have your student answer the questions in his own words.

36. He paused a moment for his words to sink in.

37. He regretted his harsh words.

38. He picked his words carefully.

39. We have to interpret his words in a modern light.

40. His words iced her passion.

41. He chose his words carefully.

42. 18 His last words is still ringing in my ears.

43. What were his exact words?

44. What were his actual words?

45. His words were barely audible.

46. Although his words are harsh, there is positiveness in them.

47. 17 Deep in thought, Xu Huabei chose his words carefully.

48. His words left her speechless.

49. 4 His words implied displeasure.

50. His words were as follows.

51. 26 His words chilled her.

52. His words ignited their anger.

53. His tactless words had incurred his father's deep displeasure.

54. His resolve ends when again he wakes at dawn with prophetic words in his ears.

55. 11 His deeds does not agree with his words.

56. 25 His father's last words clung to his memory.

57. He prays that his words will come to the recipient as the words of God, not his.

58. When his whisky came he drank half of it in one gulp.

59. In his clear, dreamy voice, words and melodies flow as one.

60. (Ac 10:38) Moses was “powerful in his words and deeds.”

61. He carefully wrote his words of Condolences in a card for

62. Yet his words in those 15 verses are powerful and instructive.

63. Them was his last words aboveboard.

64. His words had a hidden meaning.

65. He accompanied his words with actions.

66. He chose his words with precision.

67. His words made her throat tighten.

68. He clipped his words when speaking.

69. 17 His words partake of regret.

70. His magic words confuse men, bend them to his will.

71. His diction is generally poor and his words often inaudible.

72. He was weighing his words carefully.

73. The pupil echoed his teacher's words.

74. I found his words enormously reassuring.

75. His words were intoned with suspect.

76. Her slanderous words soiled his reputation.

77. He spoke slowly, weighing his words.

78. His words were tinged with cynicism.

79. His words amounted to a rebuff.

80. His soothing words subdued her fears.